Fox World, based on true events, takes the reader under the canopy of an urban forest on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. for a year-long walk with a weary sales executive and his muse, a wild red fox. Aged, ill and injured, both fox and man seek healing in their journey, not only for themselves, but for the ecologically stressed forest that is under siege by those set to exploit it. They are joined on their five-hundred-mile walkabout by the fox’s forest friends – owl, buck deer, hawk, blue heron, and raccoon, and each animal’s story illustrates why this small forest is so soothing and majestic in its allure. Starting in brutally cold winter, followed by the hottest, wettest summer on record, fox and man face daunting life challenges in their walks, from a heart attack and arrythmia which end the executive’s career to a coyote attack and serious illnesses faced by the elderly fox. And through these debilitating and traumatic events, the two unite and bond for survival, and the fox’s wild perspective teaches his human friend unforgettable lessons about healing, coping, serenity, wonderment, mindfulness, and the simplest things (e.g., the sun setting atop the great oaks, an owl serenade under moon beams, a shared cup of bison bone broth on an icy day). Drawn in by the fox’s courage and the plight of his forest as tree canopy destruction looms, the man decides to take a stand and help the fox and his animal friends. Richly graced with gorgeous nature photos and infused with insights that can only be imparted by those who have come to genuinely appreciate life, Fox World is an exhilarating walk in the woods that you’ll never forget.
“I hope that everyone who cares about the future of planet Earth will fight to save places like Fox World’s forest and its inhabitants.” Dr. Jane Goodall
“As a wildlife rehabilitator who works hands on with red foxes every day, this book took my breath away. The author truly grasps the essence and magic of these beautiful, spiritual animals and he artfully employs a fox, Mr. Fox, as a co-narrator to describe the hardscrabble challenges of a fox in the wild. With a self-effacing light touch that makes one laugh and deftly with enough painful detail that a tear or two is shed, the story unfolds, and we cheer the hero canine and his human student to the story’s joyous end. Fox World is a bookshelf staple for fox lovers and for those, who have been graced only once with seeing a distant fox walking the wood’s edge, and desire more, Fox World will transport you there.” Elise Able, Founder, Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue,
“Exquisite book, from the heart to the heart of nature and should awaken anyone to the healing power of nature. I hope that we have Jack and his writing around much longer. A great book!” Ingrid Newkirk, Founder, PETA